Tuesday, December 20, 2005

no end to the end

avertisement inspired by nagg and nell in endgame

chess masters often study endgames in order to guarantee themselves victory once they maneuver their opponent into a certain position. beckett, an avid chess fan, saw the parallel between the chess endgame the final stages of life. he realized that death is the final outcome and that regardless of how a person plays the game, he or she will die.
as the light comes on we see a room, a totally enclosed space, a chamber. looked at carefully, this setting suddenly reveals itself to be the interior of a skull — a human skull

before him - two cans
in the center, Hamm’s chair [his throne]
behind him - two windows

thus the entire stage serves as a signifier for an aging mind

the imagery of chess is presented in the play through
Clov and Hamm who are red
Nagg and Nell who are white

if viewed without words, endgame is simply an endgame - a game of chess being 'performed'

a King and Pawn is No Match for a Queen

Friday, December 09, 2005

dec 6

the lights have faded out and the stage bare. new props will arrive soon. new movements with new lines. new plots with new acts.

the old lines have been forgotten, perhaps. the makeup all gone. the movements lost. the plot discovered, comprehended.

these productions have a life of their own. the production are an ungrateful lot.

the critic?

well they are a wretched lot.

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