Sunday, July 23, 2006

b'bye baba

baba has gone back home!

the house is quite lonely. the television stands muted in a corner. no more loud newscasts, late night cricketing, footballing.

tomorrow morning will happen. i will fetch the newspaper, make my morning tea. have a lonely breakfast, and lock the house on my way to work. i might not feel like coming home early.

as i lie on my bed, waiting for sleep, i wont have the luxury of conversations, of opinions aired.

my toothbrush sits all alone in the mug, with pa's brush gone, it might get a little sad.

Friday, July 21, 2006


i want to tell a tale. a tale of a little bird. its quite a short story.

in the capital sits a dreamer
she knits alphabets, weaves words
she writes poetry
she writes.

getting back to the story ...

of a little parrot who wanted to swim.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sunday, 2nd July 2006

Dosa - (Dose in Telugu, Dosay in Kannada, Dosai in Tamil, Dosha in Malayalam) is a common south Indian food which comes in many varieties, flavours and with various side dishes Sauce, Chutneys. Generally a breakfast serving, dosa is also eaten throughout the day. Dosa comes in several variants customized by culuture, taste and geographical abundance. (

liberate - To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.

for those who know, i need not mention. for those who don't, you'll never know!

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